Superlative Splice of Sky ~ 02 Apr 2021

On April 17 we enjoy a superlative splice of sky. Most superlative about this is that a planetary pattern cozies up to an overlay of a cosmic galactic grid. Regardless of natal connections to the planets involved, the galactic players, the black hole system, Cygnus X-3 and the Galactic Center, ensure accessibility of the influences to all persons and to honor Eris, with no hint of exclusion. Eris stands delighted with this and seeks to sanction all those who use the insights to advance personal and collective cause.

Starting with the center of our solar system, the Sun and Mercury in Aries conjoin. This gives combustion. Things are good to go. The engine turns over and purrs to a state of willful readiness. Remember to do all those checklist things before officially getting underway. Anything that needs one final verification, conduct that confirmation with alacrity and certainty. Real world check list complete, get it moving along!

The Sun and Mercury, being the virtual midpoint of the trine simultaneously sextile Jupiter in Aquarius on one side, and sextile to the conjunction of Mars, Moon and Psyche in Gemini on the other side represent a good starting point... plus it’s in Aries. This get-up-and-get-at-it alignment strives to overcome any reservations, unnecessary deliberations and wants to make hay because daylight’s burning.

Let’s consider the Moon with Psyche and Mars between the pillars of twinship of Gemini. For about ten hours of in-orb stimulation on or about the 17th of April, the Moon accents the Mars to Psyche conjunction. The great news here is that the Moon adds emotional support and intuitive clarity that transcend logic, bean counting assessments and mental editing. He shouts, “let’s go for it” in the face of overly scrutinizing logical cautions. This triple conjunction does not necessarily represent a defiant nature, though it could. More, the combo supports a healthy and clear integration of the head and heart, emotion and reason all while including lofty, progressive concepts.

Instead of considering that Mars in Gemini might fall subject to distraction and butterfly about, consciously establish that Mars remains attentive to all input in the moment. He is actually the answer to shifting priorities and life environment variables not factored into the decision-making process or launch of important life activities. Consider that his immediate reaction to and assessment of changing conditions ensure that any path in progress can be adjusted to finely tuned perfection to the Tao of the moment.

The asteroid Psyche recently received valuation by physical astronomers to be worth more than the entire economy of Earth. Here we have the fervent energy of Mars reenforcing all elements of Psyche to produce the thing of greatest value... things from Psyche, of course determined to be those things we dream up and about which we absolutely fall in love with the concept. Here, Mars emphatically urges action (and provides the impulse) to ensure that any incoming concept or idea forms into viable creation.

The lofty and progressive concept element of this pattern arrives from across the crowded sky. Over yonder in opposition to this Moon-Mars-Psyche alignment stands the center of our galaxy: the super-massive black hole aligned with the radio source Sagittarius A, known to spew energy that stirs the subconscious, urges deletion of restrictive or wrong concepts, and promotes the downloading and integration of concepts and innovations that further in life... not only in support of the psyche, but to bring about real world improvement and with such enhancements, offer a positive shift in the collective consciousness.

The ten-hour (possibly longer) window when the moon stimulates the Mars-Psyche connection offers the greatest receptivity to galactic insight. Whether accessed through devoted conscious attention, meditation or in the dream state during sleep, this temporal window represents awesome clarity in receiving insights followed by the rather immediate recognition of the merit of incoming ideas and galactic-driven data.

What is rather immediately? For that answer let’s reach through the trine to Jupiter in Aquarius now rather neatly snuggling up to the black hole Cygnus X-3. Notably this black hole operates on a rotational period of 4.8 hours. Suggestively, it may take five hours or there about to line up with the galactic information uber-streaming our way and accept the merit of the inflow.

Jupiter in Aquarius bears the reputation for being able to access “out there” concepts. Strange ideas show up through the friendly filter and may fit into ones family of thinking with ease and fluidity. Better yet, herein lies the ability to perceive, assimilate and articulate those far-our ideas such that they make sense to the most pragmatic, critical thinkers, thus appealing to the Gemini stimulation and then Sun with Mercury Aries incitement.

What to do?

First, establish the apex for your time zone. At 14:00 hrs GMT on 17 April the Moon in Gemini stands at the midpoint of Mars and Psyche. Convert to your time zone.

Consciously commit to tuning in. If this occurs during your night, before bed take a moment to appeal to Psyche to infiltrate your dreams in a manner that is useful. Otherwise, take some time out to meditate or commit to conscious attentiveness to ideas. Avoid electronic distraction, reading of published material etc. This is all about you tuning into the now and the whispers in the airwaves.

Assign a five-hour window either side of this time to remain vigilant to all ideas and interactions that flag your consciousness.

Promise yourself that when a far-out odd idea arrives you’ll give it full attention as long as it contributes to your personal evolution and offers promise for progress to the collective. Allow for five hours of consciously focused thought to work through an idea upon its arrival.

Yeah, taking five hours for concept development may interfere with life. You could plan on taking a wellness day from work if Saturday is a work day. You can create boundaries with those in your domicile that you’ll want some quiet time during the cosmic interval and request cooperation. You could extract yourself from the world and sit in a remote (and safe) location in nature.

Importantly, have your old-fashioned paper and writing utensil tools attached to your hip. The Galactic Center favors writing things down and making arrows and squiggles to note significant stand-out ideas without having to fuss with the latest iteration of software to figure our how to use that dang feature. The core of our galaxy wants you engaged and focused. No Gemini-like app-use distractions. Write down everything. Sit with it. Think about it. Have a snack or a meal and chew on the idea. Let shower water support the development of the concepts.

Then, flesh it out. When fully fleshed, probably at a time when one of your personal transits stands out and sees fit, promulgate your butt off.

Yes, this pattern lies more than a fortnight in our future. It requires some prep work... you know, on the most basic level, make yourself available. Then, set your intention(s) to clear psychic clutter, focus on a clean slate and establishing receptivity and an unassuming and objective view as to how the energies above might actually come into play.